When to Use Self-Healing in Test Automation

When to Use Self-Healing in Test Automation Self-healing in test automation has become an increasing requirement for teams searching to accelerate the delivery of valuable software.  User interface elements have the tendency to rapidly change, directly impacting the stability of automated tests used to decide to proceed or not with a release. That’s why it […]

How To Shift-Right in DevOps with Test Automation

How To Shift-Right in DevOps with Test Automation Accelerating software delivery is a challenge. The DevOps paradigm contributed to foster an ecosystem in which software changes are more rapidly delivered to production. But that acceleration increases the risk of introducing defects that can be caught during development and operations phases. That’s where the Shift-Right paradigm […]

5 Ways to Accelerate With Shift-Left in Test Automation

5 Ways to Accelerate With Shift-Left in Test Automation Shift-left gives a direction, but there are still many options. Upstream activities along the software lifecycle can benefit from test automation to accelerate the quality and speed of delivery. An additional benefit is to better identify test automation requirements by design, facilitating the implementation and maintenance […]

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